Unique Automatic Board and Semiconductor ATE

Multi Site In-Circuit Test in Milli Seconds, Multi Site On Board Programming and Functional 
Test based on One Tester Per Channel (OTpC) Architecture: 
- Synchronous Current- / Voltage Souce and Measurement 
- Digitizer & Scope 
- Logic Analyzer 
- Digital I/O Funtionality 

See who we are


The idea for our new tester technology  was born decades ago.
The general progress in performance and size of electronic Components brought
the chance to ignite this Idea and build a Company in 2018 to lead this Revolution. 

Our motivation

After years of Test Technology stagnation, we are going to revolutionize the market
and offer a multifunction electrical Test at speed of an optical Test.
The Electrical Fotography EFx

Our project

Our new EFx Technology is prooven and we serve our first customers
with an groundbreaking technology, enabling them to put all neccessary test steps 
into one at light speed and ultra high data volumes, ready for AI production.  

EFx Technology

We revolutionize the Tester industry.
We have the brightest development and application team to 
install your EFx Solution for your incredible advantage.


Our senior entrepreneur Team combines 130 years of industry experience.
120 years in electronics guarantee a proven solution for an expert market.
We are there, however challenging your need is.

Automatic Test Equipment

based on One Tester per Channel (OTpC) Architecture